Türkçe Türkçe

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Bilim-Teknoloji-Yenilik Ekosistemi Dergisi
(e-ISSN: 2757-6140)

Review Process

The first evaluation of the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief and after preliminary acceptation the manuscript is sent to two external referees for evaluation of the originality and data interpretations. A double-blind procedure is ascertained, which means that the identity of the reviewers is not known to the author(s). Efforts are taken to keep the evaluation process completed in 30 days. Access to evaluation questionnaire is provided to reviewers via the Editorial System after registration. Declaration regarding potential conflict of interests is required. Manuscript evaluation takes into account the following criteria:

1. Novelty

2. Importance of the results

3. Method(s) used in the manuscript

4. Quality of data analysis

5. Presentation of the results

6. Quality of discussion

7. Relevance of the references.

As an open-access journal, our review process is designed to ensure high-quality, original research is published promptly and efficiently. Here is the review process for the Journal of Science-Technology-Innovation Ecosystem (JSTIE):-

Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts to JSTIE, following the guidelines and policies of the journal.

Initial Check: Our editorial team performs an initial assessment to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's standards for scope, formatting, and ethical considerations. The manuscript is sent for peer review if it passes this initial check.

Peer Review: The manuscript is assigned to two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. They are asked to evaluate the manuscript for its scientific quality, novelty, and impact, as well as its methodology, data analysis, and interpretation. Reviewers are asked to complete their review within a specific timeframe i.e., 30 days.

Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers' comments, the editor decides whether to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript. The corresponding author is notified of the decision and any comments or recommendations from the reviewers.

Revisions: If revisions are requested, the corresponding author has the opportunity to make the necessary changes and resubmit the manuscript. The revised manuscript is sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation.

Final Decision: Once the manuscript has been revised and re-reviewed, the editor decides whether to accept the manuscript for publication. The corresponding author is notified of the final decision.

By following the above-mentioned review process, we aim to ensure that all manuscripts published in JSTIE are of the highest quality and adhere to the ethical standards of academic publishing.

External evaluation concludes in one of the four suggestions for the editor(s):

1. Accept manuscript without changes

2. Minor revision

3. Major revision (with repeated review) required

4. Reject manuscript.